All-Inclusive Indian Destination Wedding

If you are engaged and have begun planning your perfect wedding ceremony, then you have likely already noticed that there are a plethora of options available to you and they all have their own distinct advantages and disadvantages. That is no less true when considering an Indian destination wedding at an all-inclusive resort. While many of the advantages might be situational based on your exact needs and wants for your ceremony, the top three benefits of an all-inclusive destination wedding are pretty universal and they are: cost, customization, and convenience.


The fact that cost is a primary benefit of an all-inclusive destination wedding is a little bit counter intuitive. For some people, the idea of going to an all-inclusive resort at all sounds like it wouldn’t be financially feasible, let alone hosting their wedding at one. However, the fact that the resorts truly are all-inclusive is a major benefit that helps keep costs low and can keep your total wedding costs under $10,000 compared to an average traditional wedding ceremony costing over $30,000 in the United States. When you think about it, it actually makes quite a bit of sense. Some of the highest costs associated with most weddings are the venue, food, drinks, and entertainment. When you have your destination wedding at an all-inclusive resort, all of that is included for free except for at some resorts their may be a fee for the venue depending on exactly where you choose to have your ceremony. With all of those costs already included simply by having your wedding at the resort, the overall costs are able to be kept extremely low. For many couples, the ability to have a dream wedding for less than one third of their expected costs is reason enough to choose a destination wedding at an all-inclusive resort.


Despite the fact that the costs of an Indian destination wedding at an all-inclusive resort can be kept very low, that doesn’t mean that you will be shoehorned into some kind of “one size fits all” ceremony. As was mentioned earlier when speaking of the potential additional costs of securing the venue for the ceremony there are occasionally some extra costs even at an all-inclusive resort; however, there are multiple options available to the couple that are able to curtail these costs if budget is a concern. Beyond that, most resorts are able to work with you in order to ensure that your ceremony fits your exact style. From seating and altar arrangements, to flowers and decorations, to food and drink options, the resort will be able to work with you to create the ceremony and reception that perfectly fits your style. Most brides have a picture of their ideal ceremony in their head. Just like the process of picking the perfect wedding gown to make sure all the details are correct, the process of planning every detail of the wedding ceremony can be very difficult and time consuming. When working with a planner and an all-inclusive resort, that process is vastly simplified and they are able to put together an event that matches the exact desires of the bride and groom.


  • If the benefits of lower costs and a high level of customization weren’t enough to convince you that a destination wedding at an all-inclusive resort was a great option for your ceremony, you should also consider the convenience of this option. Planning a wedding is a difficult task for many brides and grooms with a lot of details to juggle and line up correctly. By deciding to have a destination wedding at an all-inclusive resort, you can skip a lot of that trouble. Having everything built into a single package eliminates the need to get price quotes and do research on caterers, bartenders, musicians, florists, DJs, and officiants. The resort has all of those aspects of the wedding covered already. Additionally, if you are working with a dedicated planner, the number of details you are personally responsible for drops nearly to zero. Just state your desires and book your tickets and let the planner and the resort handle the rest of the details. When the day for your ceremony finally arrives, you’ll be able to relax and enjoy the day not worrying about paying multiple bills to multiple service providers and wondering if everyone will arrive to complete their jobs on time for everything to happen as it is supposed to. You can relax and be stress free in a beautiful vacation resort while all the details are handled by a unified team of trained professionals.
  • Additionally, a hidden convenience of having a destination wedding at an all-inclusive resort is the fact that guest lists are generally smaller due to the guests being required to pay for their own transportation and accommodations. What that means for the bride and groom is less time (and money) spent on invitations, handling RSVPs, and figuring out seating arrangements. It may seem like a relatively small detail, but that alone can make the choice worth it for some couples.
  • As was mentioned at the beginning of the article, for those of you that are already in the stages of planning a wedding, you likely fully understand the advantages of choosing a destination wedding at an all-inclusive resort. So many of the things about wedding planning that are points of stress or are very expensive are covered by choosing to host your event at a resort instead of having a traditional wedding in the U.S. If finances are a primary concern for you, this style of wedding has multiple answers to help you stay within your budget. If having the exact wedding ceremony that you envision is the most important aspect of the day, the all-inclusive resort has the staff and training on hand to ensure that the ceremony exceeds your expectations. And finally, if your chief concern is being able to get to and through your wedding ceremony with as little stress as possible, then this type of wedding is the perfect choice for you.